Friday, April 2, 2010


We now open the cyber parlor doors to the reading room of the Mason Garrett Astrology Research Institute to the Blogger general public… for individual private readings… via email correspondence. Simply email an inquiry to;

William Lilly, one of our staff… and ‘Spirit Guides’

We have modern equipment and reference data to answer most inquiries… natal chart analysis… current and future planetary transits with interpretations… Horary and mundane event charts… Compatibility and synastry charts between two people… Annual Solar Return and Lunar Return charts…

We are here to service all your astrology needs if we possibly can… at very reasonable rates.

We want to help the Patron to move their world into more harmonious and satisfying directions… through self study, personal transformation, and spiritual evolution… using ancient and modern astrology techniques of interpretation and analysis of the Patron’s birth horoscope map. If we can’t help you, we will try and refer you to someone in the astrology community who can. All inquires are welcome.